Valentines Day Paper Wrapped Bouquet of Florist's Choice Flowers.
At The Flower Farm Florist, we always include a wide and interesting variety of flowers in our bouquets. Our Valentines Day flowers are carefully hand tied and wrapped in paper, finished with a beautiful ribbon, with no excess packaging to head to landfill. We will pick the best flowers to ensure they are fresh, scented and vibrant. We will combine our own foliage with the best flowers from the market in a lovely romantic selection of deep pink, purple, red and cream flowers.
The photo examples show a range of £30 to £50 bouquet and the price includes a gift card and free local delivery (see order form for areas covered) on Friday 14th February, or you are very welcome to order here and then collect from our workshop.
At The Flower Farm Florist, we always include a wide and interesting variety of flowers in our bouquets. Our Valentines Day flowers are carefully hand tied and wrapped in paper, finished with a beautiful ribbon, with no excess packaging to head to landfill. We will pick the best flowers to ensure they are fresh, scented and vibrant. We will combine our own foliage with the best flowers from the market in a lovely romantic selection of deep pink, purple, red and cream flowers.
The photo examples show a range of £30 to £50 bouquet and the price includes a gift card and free local delivery (see order form for areas covered) on Friday 14th February, or you are very welcome to order here and then collect from our workshop.
At The Flower Farm Florist, we always include a wide and interesting variety of flowers in our bouquets. Our Valentines Day flowers are carefully hand tied and wrapped in paper, finished with a beautiful ribbon, with no excess packaging to head to landfill. We will pick the best flowers to ensure they are fresh, scented and vibrant. We will combine our own foliage with the best flowers from the market in a lovely romantic selection of deep pink, purple, red and cream flowers.
The photo examples show a range of £30 to £50 bouquet and the price includes a gift card and free local delivery (see order form for areas covered) on Friday 14th February, or you are very welcome to order here and then collect from our workshop.